Why Does My Dental Implant Hurt When I Chew?

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Why does my dental implant hurt when I chew? is a common concern after implant surgery. Understanding the causes and seeking proper care can ensure a successful healing process and integration of the implant. Let’s explore the possible reasons and solutions for this discomfort.

Common Reasons for Implant Pain During Chewing

Feeling discomfort or pain around the area of the implant while chewing can be a matter of concern. Several patients ask “why does my dental implant hurt when I chew?”. In this article, we discuss the common reasons for implant pain during chewing:   

Inflammation and gum irritation

You may experience some inflammation and gum irritation during the initial stages after the implant procedure. So, you can feel discomfort, particularly during meals. To alleviate any discomfort or pain, you should follow post-operative care instructions.

Improper bite alignment  

In the event that the implant crown or prosthesis is not correctly aligned with your teeth, this can lead to pressure on the implant during chewing. So, you may feel discomfort and pain.

Osseointegration Process

Patients may experience mild pain or sensitivity during the period of osseointegration, especially during chewing while applying pressure.

Infection or Peri-Implantitis

You may feel pain, especially during chewing if you have infection around the area of the implant. Therefore, you should maintain proper oral hygiene to prevent bacterial buildup and inflammation.

Overloading of the Implant  

When you apply pressure on the implant or use it badly, particularly during the healing period, it may lead to discomfort. So, try to not use hard food after surgery.  

In some cases, patients can find problems in the implant itself, such as improper placement, instability, or an issue with the materials used. All these problems may be the cause of pain during chewing.  

It is worth noting that if you feel any pain or discomfort, you should consult your dentist to determine the specific cause of why does my dental implant hurt when I chew.   

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Why does my dental implant hurt when I chew?

There are a number of causes for dental implants hurt during chewing. Understanding this issue can help in identifying the source of your discomfort and direct you towards getting the right care. Let’s look at a few typical factors for why dental implants could hurt when you’re chewing.

Inflammation and irritation

In rare circumstances, the surrounding gum tissue may become inflamed or irritated, resulting in discomfort during chewing. Poor oral hygiene, a buildup of food waste near the implant, an allergic reaction to dental materials used can lead to the causes of this irritation. Regular tooth brushing, flossing, and professional cleanings can lessen discomfort and reduce inflammation.  


Peri-implantitis, an infection around the dental implant, can make chewing painful and uncomfortable. Common symptoms of this case include inflammation, redness, and sometimes pus discharge. It may happen as a result of poor dental hygiene, implant process contamination by bacteria, or pre-existing gum disease.  

Bite misalignment  

The pressure acting on your implant might vary depending on how your teeth bite together and how they are aligned. If your bite is misaligned or uneven, chewing may put too much pressure on the implant and cause pain or discomfort. Any biting problems can be found and corrected by a dental professional’s examination to guarantee optimal force distribution.

Failed integration

Osseointegration, in which the implant integrates with the surrounding bone, is the basis for dental implants. The implant may lack stability if integration is inadequate or insufficient, causing discomfort and movement during chewing.

Smoking, certain medical disorders, insufficient bone volume or density, and poor surgical techniques are all potential causes of unsuccessful integration. Additional therapies, including bone grafting or prompt intervention is crucial to prevent further complications and ensure the long-term success of your dental implant. Implant revision surgery can be required in certain circumstances for better integration and relieve pain.  

Take into consideration that prompt intervention is important to prevent further complications and ensure the long-term success of your dental implant.

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When to Consult Your Dentist?

Why Does My Dental Implant Hurt When I Chew

Pain or discomfort around the area of the implant during chewing is a concerning matter but it is important to know when to seek professional advice. If you are wondering, “why does my dental implant hurt when I chew?” and experiencing any of the following, it is crucial to consult your dental professional.

– Persistent pain: if pain persists for more than a few days or worsens over time, so it is a sign that there is something wrong.

– Swelling or inflammation: If you experience swelling or inflammation around the area of the implant, it may be a cause of concern and should consult your dental professional.

– Difficulty chewing: if chewing becomes painful, it is a sign that there is a problem in the implant. 

– Loose or shifting implant: Any movement or instability of the implant, especially during chewing, is a clear sign that professional attention is needed.

– Fever or signs of infection: if you experience a fever accompanied by local signs of infection around the area of the implant, require immediate attention.

– Changes in bite or alignment: If you notice changes in your bite or the alignment of your teeth, this could be a sign that a problem exists in the area of the implant.  

Remember that early intervention is necessary to address any potential problems and ensure a long-term success of your dental implant.  

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Distinguishing Normal Discomfort from Abnormal Pain

Why does my dental implant hurt when I chew? is a crucial matter. However, you should differentiate between what’s considered a normal part of the healing process and what might be a problem. Kindly consider the following differences:

Normal Discomfort

– Sensitivity: It is common to experience mild sensitivity around the area of implant, especially in the initial days after the procedure.

– Localized discomfort: Discomfort should be confined to the direct area of the implant and gradually subside over time.

– Improving with time: Any discomfort should gradually lessen over time.

Abnormal Pain

– Sharp or intense pain: Severe or sharp pain is not normal and may be a cause of concern.

– Prolonged or worsening pain: If the pain persists or intensifies within the first few days after the procedure, it’s not normal.

– Accompanied by swelling or redness: If you feel pain combined with noticeable swelling or redness around the area of the implant, it is a warning sign.  

Pain while chewing

– Normal: Mild discomfort while chewing is expected, especially in the early stages. This should improve during the healing process.

– Abnormal: If chewing causes significant pain or discomfort that doesn’t subside, it’s a reason to consult your dentist.

Fever or other systemic symptoms

If you feel systemic symptoms, such as fever or chills accompanying implant pain, you should seek a dental professional because this symptom is abnormal.

Consulting your dentist is necessary when you experience abnormal pain or discomfort and remember that early intervention helps the implant procedure be successful.  

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Diagnosis and Assessment  

If you suffer any discomfort while chewing and you ask yourself: why does my dental implant hurt when I chew? In this case, you should consult your dentist and do a thorough examination. Here’s what to expect:  

Clinical examination

Your dentist will do a detailed examination of the implant area, the surrounding tissue and the implant itself. The dentist searches for any signs of inflammation, redness, swelling, or any visible abnormalities.  

X-rays and imaging  

You may need to employ x-rays or other imaging techniques to check the implant and the adjacent bone structure to determine any structural issues or potential complications if any.  

Mobility testing

The stability and mobility of the implant will be assessed. An implant that moves excessively may be a sign of integration failure or other issues.

Sensitivity testing

Your dentist may perform sensitivity tests to determine the area of discomfort or pain to help in solving the problem.  

Review of medical history

Your dentist will review your medical history, looking for any underlying conditions or medications that might be contributing to the discomfort.  

Discussion of symptoms

It is important to discuss and share detailed information on the type, duration, and intensity of the pain you’re feeling, especially while chewing.  

Discussion of recent events

Tell your dentist about any recent events occurred and contributed to the discomfort, such as trauma or changes in oral hygiene routine.  

The dentist will make a diagnosis and recommend an appropriate course of action. This can range from minor adjustments to larger interventions, depending on the nature and severity of the problem. Remember, early intervention is essential to resolve any problems and ensure the long-term success of your dental implants.  

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Treatment Options

It is essential to address the issue of why does my dental implant hurt when I chew to ensure the implant’s long-term success. Treatment options may differ depending on the underlying cause of the discomfort. Here are some common approaches:


Ibuprofen or any other over-the-counter pain relievers can help in managing discomfort. stronger pain medications or antibiotics may be prescribed in case there is an infection.   


If the pain is due to a misaligned bite or an issue with the implant’s positioning, your dentist may need to make adjustments. So, the dentist can modify the crown, abutment, or implant itself to ensure proper alignment. 

Gum and tissue care

If gum recession or irritation causes pain, your dentist may recommend specific oral hygiene practices and prescribe medicated mouth rinses to enhance healing.

Infection treatment

If you have an infection, your dentist will prescribe antibiotics to eliminate it. in severe cases, the implant may need to be removed temporarily for thorough cleaning.  

Nerve assessment

If nerve damage is suspected, you should go to a nerve assessment specialist. Treatment options may include medications or, in rare cases, surgical intervention. This option can solve the answer of this question: why does my dental implant hurt when I chew?

Bone grafting

In some cases of inadequate bone support, a bone grafting procedure may be necessary to enhance stability and alleviate pain.

Implant removal and replacement

If the implant has failed and cannot be treated, it should be removed or replaced.  

Seeing the dentist as soon as possible in case you feel any pain or discomfort is urgent to solve any problems at an early stage. Early intervention prevents further complications.

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Preventing Painful Implant Experiences

Why Does My Dental Implant Hurt When I Chew

Why does my dental implant hurt when I chew and how to prevent this pain. It can be a distressing matter. To minimize the likelihood of such discomfort, it’s crucial to take preventive measures. Here are some steps you can take:

Choose an experienced implantologist

Search for a qualified and experienced implant dentist. The experience of the dentist in the procedure of the implant reduces the risk of complications and discomfort.

If you are looking for professional dentists, Mavidenta clinic is the place to go. Mavidenta is the Most Trust Dental Clinic in Istanbul. The dentists are knowledgeable and use the latest technology. They genuinely care about their patients’ oral health. Contact us now!

Follow post-operative instructions

You should adhere to the post-operative care instructions provided by your dentist, such as dietary restrictions, medication schedules, and proper oral hygiene practices.

Regular dental check-ups

You should go to your dental professional on the regular follow-up appointments. So, he can notice the progress of the implant and address any issues promptly if any.

Maintain excellent oral hygiene

You can brush and floss accurately around the area of the implant. Proper oral hygiene reduces the risk of infection and promotes healthy gum tissue.

Avoid Excessive Force

Take care while chewing hard or sticky foods, especially in the initial healing stage. Avoid cracking nuts or opening bottles.

Protect against bruxism

If you have a history of teeth grinding, use a night guard to protect both natural teeth and implants from excess pressure.

Report any discomfort promptly

If you feel any unusual pain or discomfort, contact your dentist immediately. Early intervention can prevent more severe complications.

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Patient Testimonials and Experiences

Patient testimonials and experiences can answer this question, “why does my dental implant hurt when I chew?” These testimonials often focus on the importance of choosing a skilled and experienced implantologist, following post-operative care instructions, and maintaining regular dental check-ups.

Patients may also offer tips on managing any initial discomfort and adjusting their diet to accommodate the healing process. These testimonials can be reassuring for individuals who may be anxious about potential pain associated with dental implants. Take into consideration that each person’s experience is different, some may report minimal discomfort, others may face severe discomfort.  

Finally, consulting with a trusted dental professional and staying informed about what to expect during the healing process can ensure a successful and comfortable implant journey.

If you search for a top-notch dental clinic, contact our clinic, Mavidenta. We provide professional services at affordable prices. Mavidenta is the Affordable prices dental clinic in Istanbul.  

 Dental Implants Problems Side Effects

Do dental implants hurt when eating?

You may feel discomfort and ask yourself why does my dental implant hurt when I chew but it is normal and temporary, and part of the healing process. But if you experience persistent or severe discomfort or pain, you should consult your dentist. There are several factors that cause discomfort or pain, such as surgical trauma, infection, or issues with the implant’s placement.  

Knowing the reason that causes the discomfort or pain is necessary to take the proper medication or the right treatment. Remember that early intervention is important to not face any further complications and ensure a successful implant result.

What to do if dental implant hurts?

If you feel any pain or discomfort around the area of the implant, do not ignore this issue. Consult your dental professional immediately. They will examine the implant, possibly take x-rays, and discuss your symptoms in detail.  

According to the examination, your dentist will recommend a suitable course of action, which may include pain management, antibiotics, or, in some cases, adjusting the implant. Do not hesitate to seek professional guidance for a comfortable dental implant experience.

Why does my implant hurt after 2 years?

If you feel discomfort or pain around a dental implant, or ask yourself why does my dental implant hurt when I chew, even after a considerable period, can be concerning. There are several reasons why your implant might hurt after two years:


Infections may develop around the area of the implant which lead to pain and discomfort. These infections might not appear immediately but appear after years from the procedure.

Bone loss

Some patients may face bone loss around the implant over time due to various factors, such as poor oral hygiene or bruxism (teeth grinding). This can cause the implant to become loose or unstable which results in pain.

Implant failure

In some cases, the implant itself might have failed, and this failure becomes clear after years.

If you feel any discomfort or pain around a dental implant long after the procedure, it is important to consult your dentist.  

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What does a failed dental implant feel like?

There are several signs of a failed dental implant include:

– Persistent discomfort: You may feel persistent pain or discomfort around the area of the implant, especially when chewing or applying pressure.

– Looseness or movement: The implant may feel loose or move slightly when touched. This is a clear sign that the implant is not securely integrated with the jawbone.

– Swelling and inflammation: The surrounding gums may become red, swollen, or painful, indicating that there is a problem.

– Gum recession: The gums around the implant may start to recede, exposing more of the implant structure.

– Difficulty chewing: Discomfort or pain while chewing, particularly on the side of the implant, is a sign of potential problem.

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To conclude, if you feel discomfort or pain and ask yourself why does my dental implant hurt when I chew, there may be various factors. So, you should consult your dental professional for examination and intervention at the proper time to ensure long-term implant success and comfort.  

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Can poor placement of the implant cause pain while chewing?

You may feel discomfort and pain if the implant is improperly placed.

Are there any temporary solutions for pain during chewing with dental implants?

Over-the-counter pain relievers and avoiding hard or crunchy foods can provide temporary relief.  

Can bruxism (teeth grinding) cause pain while chewing with dental implants?

Bruxism can exert excessive pressure on the implant, leading to discomfort and pain during chewing.


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