Dental Implants Cost Per Tooth: What You Need to Know

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As a leading destination in the field of health tourism, Turkey attracts hundreds of thousands of patients annually from all over the world. Turkey dominates the Eurasian scene with both dental veneers and dental implants being the most famous for their distinctive dental results, and Hollywood smile results, being the treatments most sought after by tourists coming for treatment. In the following article, we will discuss all the details related to dental implants cost per tooth in Turkey, from the process, to the costs, and how to start treatment in Turkey.

How Much Do Dental Implants cost per tooth ?

Coming to Turkey to perform a dental implant operation is something that will not happen unless all aspects related to this operation are ascertained, and perhaps among the most important of these aspects is the dental implants cost per tooth aspect. 

Knowing the cost of a dental implant is very necessary and influential, but let us say that it is not easy to determine the cost. Specific, because the matter varies from one place to another according to a set of determinants, the most prominent of which are the following:

The center’s capabilities and the technologies used

This is the most important thing through which the dental implants cost per tooth can be determined, because the more the center uses newer technologies, the more money it costs, which requires paying through increased costs.

The doctor’s experience 

A good doctor will ask for a larger amount in order to agree to carry out a dental implant operation. Also, good centers will seek to bring in this type of doctor, regardless of the dental implants cost per tooth, in accordance with the principle of increasing the total cost later.

The number of teeth required to be implanted 

The more teeth you have, the greater the need to increase the cost. The effort expended will be greater and will require a greater price as well, such as  All on 4 Dental Implant or All on 6 Dental Implant 

The quality of the tooth

There are several types of artificial teeth, and each type has a completely different price than the other and contributes to the difference in the final dental implants cost per tooth.

The elements that go into the final cost of your new tooth

In general, the dental implant process includes several stages, each stage is associated with a specific fee and together represents the final dental implants cost per tooth of the dental implant procedure. Let’s take a look at these steps:

Jaw bone grafting

During the patient’s first appointment at the dental clinic, the doctor performs a CT or 3D scan to examine the structure of his jaw bones and determine their density. If the patient does not have enough bone in his jaw, bone grafting must first be performed before implants are placed. 

Bone implant surgery increases the size and density of bone in the thin bone areas of the patient’s jaw to contribute to enhancing the success of dental implants. The cost of jawbone grafting is usually not included in the final cost of dental implants, meaning the patient must bear its costs.

Tooth extraction

  • The patient does not have to wait until he loses his entire tooth to undergo a dental implant procedure. One of his teeth may be severely damaged and will need to be extracted to protect his gums and overall oral health. 
  • Tooth extraction is usually performed in different types of ways, the most common of which are simple tooth extraction or surgical tooth extraction. According to the simple tooth removal procedure, the dentist smoothly extracts the tooth under local anesthesia in one piece. 
  • While surgical tooth extraction involves making a surgical incision in the gum to remove the damaged tooth and is usually performed under general anesthesia. The cost of tooth extraction is a side cost added to the final cost of dental implants.

Installation of dental implants

During the medical consultation, the doctor discusses with the patient the available options for dental implants and helps him choose implants that suit his jaw and the nature of his teeth. 

It is also necessary to choose the brand of implant that ensures the durability and stability of the implants for the longest possible period. There are many dental implant manufacturers that offer multiple types of dental implants at different prices. 

Read more about What is the best country for dental implants?

The Cost of a Single Tooth Implant

Dental Implants Cost Per Tooth

In addition to dental implants cost per tooth. Some patients will certainly want to know about the tooth they are implanting before even just undergoing the implant or contracting with the center. This means that they will have to carefully study the components of the tooth, as it consists of the following: Components of the tooth that is being implanted


This can be considered simply the most important part of the tooth, as that part made up of titanium is known to heal quickly and therefore attaches to the bottom of the gums with ease.


This is the part that is placed on top of the body, and this part is intended for installation when placing the final part, so it is not completely visible as is the case with the body, but it must be durable so that it can withstand later.


It is a prosthetic cover that is closely connected to the screw and the body and is placed as a type of compensation until the most important part of this process is installed, which is the prosthetic part.

4-The new tooth: 

Or as it is called the prosthetic part, when it is installed we can say that we have obtained a new tooth that is equipped in the best possible way and is able to appear in the appearance of a new tooth, but as is clear, that part that takes center stage comes after a great effort and many other complementary parts.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Speaking about dental implants cost per tooth. Dental implants provide a long-term alternative to natural teeth for humans, and are a good procedure especially for people for whom dentures and dental bridges are not suitable as well, as when the roots of the original teeth are very few, it is difficult to carry out cosmetic repairs such as bridges and dentures, because they require the presence of roots supporting the teeth.

Also, one of the advantages of dental implants is that the dental implant used is made of titanium, which fuses well with the jaw bones. This helps prevent dislocation or slippage of the implants or any discomfort that may be found in other dental repair techniques.

Dental Implants behave like natural teeth

  • There are many benefits for dental implants, as it helps in obtaining stable teeth similar to natural teeth, whether for those who have lost one tooth or for all teeth. It also helps in getting rid of moving structures and their discomfort and instability while eating, talking, etc.
  • Most importantly, with dental implants there is no justification for scratching the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth, as is done with traditional replacement methods, i.e. bridges and fixed fixtures on natural teeth. Therefore, with dental implants, your teeth remain natural and their lifespan increases by remaining in the human mouth.
  • Scientific studies have proven that dental implants contribute to increasing the patient’s self-confidence, as the structure on the implants is more stable and based on implants that are fixed and permanently bonded to the jaw bones.

know about  Is it safe to have dental implants in turkey ?

Dental Implants can last a lifetime

Among the advantages of fixed dental implants over abutment implants, durability and longevity can be noted.

According to reports based on the useful lifespan of dental implants, which has been set at around 25 years or more, you can use them for several decades without any problems, just like your natural teeth by following a series of instructions and care recommendations.

This statistic may be interesting to you, which is that the lifespan of dental implants in the upper jaw is less than that of the lower jaw, and the reason for this is the greater pressure that the teeth of the upper jaw bear. You should take into account that the durability and lifespan of the implant increases when the complications resulting from the implant are minimal or even non-existent.

Dental Implants can prevent facial sagging and premature aging

Dental implants protect adjacent teeth from damage and stress because they are integrated into the jawbone, unlike bridges that rely on adjacent teeth. It also improves oral health, because there is no need to change nearby teeth to support the implant, which leaves many teeth intact, which improves oral health. 

Individual implants also allow easy access between the teeth. It provides optimal comfort, as it is customized to fit the mouth precisely, so no clicking sounds appear. The patient is also able to eat food and speak comfortably. They are easy to care for, as they can be cared for like natural teeth by using a toothbrush and floss with regular visits to the doctor.

Cost of full dental implants

Dental Implants Cost Per Tooth

Whether you’ve lost a single tooth or a row of teeth, you may have heard about dental implants, and you may be interested in how this cute little treat is a unique solution. Dental implants in turkey  are a complete price-performance approach, so if you are in a capital city like Istanbul, dental implant prices in Istanbul can be much less expensive. But the main factors affecting the dental implants cost per tooth in 2022 are the following:

1-Number of dental implants

The number of implants you need and the material you choose will affect the dental implants cost per tooth. To find the number of implants needed, you can obtain clear information by sending a picture of your teeth and mouth to our experts via phone or WhatsApp. Surgical costs are relatively fixed as long as the implants are inserted on the same day.

2-Prices of preparation costs for dental implants

You may need pre-treatments before the transplant. If you have damaged or rotten teeth, they may need to be extracted. In some cases, it may not be necessary to extract the tooth, because the implant can be performed immediately after extraction.

In addition, some patients suffer from a significant decrease in elastic tissue volume and bone density after tooth loss, and need tissue grafting to prepare their smile for the successful placement of dental implants.

3-Dental options in Turkey 

During dental implant placement or preparatory treatments such as tooth extractions or tissue grafting, you may want to wear a dental brace to ensure your comfort during the procedure. The type of sedation you choose can add several hundred dollars to your dental implants cost per tooth. The dental and/or health insurance may be used to cover the price of some types of equipment.

4-The cost of dental implants in euros

Since the tooth implantation process and the necessary production of materials are carried out according to international standards, the price of dental implant treatment is usually calculated based on the exchange rate of the dollar against the euro. 

But as we mentioned previously, you should be aware that the dental implants cost per tooth depend on several factors, and they are also reasonably priced. For more details, you can contact our dental specialists or visit our clinic.

Dental implant 1 tooth cost

The dental implants cost per tooth in Turkey is still relatively low compared to its counterparts in European and American countries. Türkiye offers many dental implant options at a lower cost and high quality. The cost of a single tooth implant in Turkey ranges from $450 to $750. Some determinants and factors affect the dental implants cost per tooth of the operation, including the following:

1-Long-term costs

  • Dental implants in Turkey can be considered more cost-effective because they usually last longer compared to other dental restorations.
  • A dental bridge is usually replaced on average every 15-20 years due to recurrent decay.
  • Dentures are replaced every 7-10 years due to changes that occur in the bones, or these dentures may break or become damaged. Therefore, dental implants can be the most cost-effective option.

2-Location and quality of dental implants

  • The total cost of the procedure can vary depending on the country, the cosmetic center, clinic or the treating physician.
  • The average total cost of restoration usually ranges from $3,000-$4,000 in many countries.
  • It is difficult to predict exact costs because each transplant case is different.
  • We must also take into account the cost of additional procedures, such as bone grafting, sinus lift, etc., which may be necessary.
  • The doctor re-examines the functions of the implant and after about a month, the basic abutments are installed, on which the crowns will be attached.

How much for dental implant 1 tooth?

The dental implants cost per tooth in Turkey per implant is 300-800 dollars, while the prices of immediate dental implants in Turkey start from 350 US dollars per tooth and implant. The price variation of dental implants in Turkey is due to:

  • The quality of materials and equipment used in the implantation process.
  • Location of the Dental Implant Center and the services it provides.
  • Experience of doctors and surgeons supervising transplant operations.
  • Number of operations performed in the dental implant center.

You can get Free Consultation to get more information


In addition to dental implants cost per tooth, before any dental implant procedure or any other method, first make sure that the doctor you have chosen has sufficient skill and specialization. Then in order to trust the services of the best dental implant specialist, you can ask him for more work samples or even benefit from the experiences of previous patients who have been treated.

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