Tooth Filling Cost in Turkey – Treatment Cost and Essential Information

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Are you looking for a cost-effective solution to your dental problems? Turkey is the right choice for tooth filling services. Tooth filling cost in Turkey is significantly lower than in other countries, making it an attractive option for many people seeking affordable dental care.  

Tooth filling is one of the common and essential dental procedures. It is used to restore damaged or decayed teeth. Try to take advantage of the experienced dentists and state-of-the-art facilities in Turkey, so you can rest assured that you will receive top-notch dental services in Turkey.

Understanding Tooth Fillings

Tooth fillings are a common dental procedure used to restore damaged or decayed teeth. This procedure involves the removal of the damaged portion of the tooth and filling the cavity with a restorative material. They are typically made from a variety of materials, including composite resin, porcelain, gold, and amalgam. The type of material used for the filling depends on various factors such as the extent of the damage, the location of the tooth, and the patient’s preference.

Tooth filling cost in Turkey varies depending on the type of filling material used and the extent of the damage. But it can be up to 70% cheaper than in other countries.

2.1 What are Tooth Fillings?

Tooth fillings are used to restore teeth that have been damaged by decay, fractures, or wear and tear. The process involves removing the damaged or decayed portion of the tooth and filling the resulting cavity with a restorative material. This helps to prevent further decay and restore the tooth’s function and appearance. Tooth fillings can also be used to correct minor cosmetic imperfections such as chips or gaps in teeth.

2.2 Types of Tooth Fillings

Several types of tooth fillings are available, including composite resin fillings, porcelain fillings, gold fillings, and amalgam fillings. Composite resin fillings are popular because they can be color-matched to the natural shade of your teeth, but they are less durable than other fillings. Porcelain fillings are custom-made in a dental laboratory and can be color-matched to your natural teeth, and they are more durable than composite resin fillings.

Gold fillings are a traditional type of filling that is very durable and can last up to 20 years or more. However, they are also very expensive and can be more visible than other types of fillings. Amalgam fillings are made from a mixture of metals and are durable and long-lasting, but some people are concerned about the potential health risks of mercury.  

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Types of Tooth Fillings

Tooth Filling Cost In Turkey

There are several types of tooth fillings that are commonly used in dentistry. Kindly check the following types:

Amalgam Fillings

Amalgam fillings, also known as silver fillings, are made of a combination of metals including silver, tin, copper, and mercury. They are strong, durable, and have been used for many years. However, they are silver in color, which can be a disadvantage for visible teeth.

Amalgam Tooth filling cost in Turkey is considered a cost-effective option for patients due to their affordability. The placement process for amalgam fillings is relatively simple and quick, and they are particularly suitable for filling cavities in less visible areas, such as the back molars, due to their silver color.

Composite Fillings

Composite fillings, or tooth-colored or white fillings, have become a preferred choice for many patients due to their natural appearance. They are made of a mixture of plastic resin and powdered glass, which can be closely matched to the color of the surrounding tooth.

This aesthetic advantage makes composite fillings particularly popular for filling cavities in visible mouth areas, such as the front teeth. The dentist can carefully sculpt and shape the composite material to mimic the natural contours of the tooth, providing a seamless and undetectable restoration.

In addition to their cosmetic benefits, composite fillings offer other advantages. Unlike amalgam fillings, composite fillings bond directly to the tooth structure. This means less healthy tooth structure must be removed during preparation, resulting in a more conservative treatment approach.

The bonding process also provides additional support to the tooth, helping to strengthen it. Moreover, composite fillings are less likely to cause tooth sensitivity to temperature changes than amalgam fillings.

Ceramic Fillings  

Ceramic fillings, often referred to as porcelain fillings, are made of a ceramic material that closely resembles the natural tooth color. They are custom-made in a dental laboratory and then bonded to the tooth. Ceramic fillings are highly aesthetic and provide good durability.

Ceramic fillings are particularly suitable for restoring cavities in visible areas of the mouth, such as the front teeth, where aesthetics is a primary concern. They can withstand the forces of biting and chewing, providing a reliable and durable restoration.

One advantage of ceramic fillings is their biocompatibility, meaning they are well-tolerated by the gums and surrounding oral tissues. This makes them suitable for patients with sensitivities or allergies to certain metals. 

Ceramic tooth filling costs in Turkey are low compared to other countries such as the USA, UK, and Canada, but they can be more expensive than other types of fillings due to the cost of materials and the additional laboratory work involved. 

Gold Fillings

Gold fillings are made of gold alloy, which is highly durable and long-lasting. They are custom-made in a dental laboratory and then cemented into place. Gold fillings are well-tolerated by gum tissues and can last for many years. However, they are more expensive, and their metallic appearance makes them less popular for visible teeth. However, you will find gold tooth filling cost in Turkey is cheaper than in other countries.

It is worth noting that gold is known for its strength and resistance to wear, making it an excellent choice for restoring teeth subjected to heavy biting forces.

It’s important to note that the availability of these filling materials may vary depending on the specific dental practice and the dentist’s recommendation. Dentists consider several factors, including the size and location of the cavity, aesthetics, durability, and cost, to determine the most suitable filling material for each case.

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Importance of Tooth Fillings

Tooth fillings are important for a number of reasons as follows:

  1. Tooth fillings help restore the function of damaged or decayed teeth, allowing you to chew and speak properly.
  2. Tooth fillings help prevent further decay or damage to the tooth, which can lead to more serious dental problems down the line.
  3. Tooth fillings can also improve the appearance of your teeth by filling in gaps or correcting minor cosmetic imperfections.
  4. Tooth fillings are a long-lasting solution to dental problems, with some types of fillings lasting up to 20 years or more with proper care.
  5. Tooth fillings are generally a cost-effective way to treat dental problems, especially when compared to more extensive treatments like root canals or tooth extractions. If you would like to save more on tooth filling, you can visit Turkey. Tooth filling cost in Turkey is affordable.

Overall, tooth fillings are an important dental procedure that can help restore the function and appearance of damaged or decayed teeth. By taking care of your fillings and maintaining good oral hygiene, you can help ensure their longevity and prevent any potential issues.

Tooth Filling Procedure  

The tooth filling procedure involves several steps to restore a decayed or damaged tooth as the following:

Preparing for the Procedure

Before the tooth filling procedure, your dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your teeth to determine the extent of the damage or decay. They may also take X-rays to get a better view of the affected area.

Based on the examination, your dentist will recommend the best course of treatment, which includes a tooth filling and also will discuss the different types of filling materials available and help you choose the best option for your individual needs. In addition, he may discuss any potential risks or complications associated with the procedure.

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The Filling Process

The tooth filling process typically involves the following steps:

  • Numbing the area

Your dentist will use a local anesthetic to numb the area around the affected tooth, ensuring that you are comfortable throughout the procedure.

  • Removing the decayed or damaged part of the tooth

Your dentist will use a drill or laser to remove the decayed or damaged part of the tooth, leaving behind a clean, healthy surface.

  • Preparing the cavity

Your dentist will prepare the cavity by cleaning and shaping it to ensure that the filling material fits properly.

  • Placing the filling material

Your dentist will place the filling material into the cavity, using a special tool to shape and smooth it so that it fits snugly against the tooth.

  • Polishing the filling

Your dentist will polish the filling to ensure that it fits correctly and blends in with the surrounding teeth.

The entire tooth filling procedure typically takes less than an hour to complete, depending on the extent of the damage or decay. After the procedure, your dentist will provide instructions on how to care for your filling and may recommend follow-up appointments to ensure that the filling is functioning properly.

We highly recommend Mavidenta clinic for getting your tooth filling.

Our clinic, is the Affordable prices dental clinic in Istanbul, provides you with professional services and reasonable prices. In general, tooth filling cost in Turkey is cost-effective if compared to other countries.   

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The Advantages of Getting Tooth Fillings in Turkey  

Tooth Filling Cost In Turkey

Turkey has become a popular destination for dental tourism in recent years, so let us discuss some advantages of getting tooth fillings in Turkey:

Cost-Effective Dental Care

One of the biggest advantages of getting tooth fillings in Turkey is the cost savings. Dental services, especially tooth filling cost in Turkey is generally much cheaper than in many other countries, including the US and the UK. This means that you can save a significant amount of money on your dental care, without compromising on quality.

High-Quality Dental Services

Despite the lower cost, the quality of dental services in Turkey is professional. Many dental clinics in Turkey use state-of-the-art equipment and technologies, and the dentists are often highly trained and experienced.

Experienced Dentists

Many dentists in Turkey have received their training and education in Europe or the US, and speak fluent English. This means that you can expect a high level of professionalism and expertise when getting tooth fillings in Turkey.

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Dental Tourism in Turkey

Dental tourism has become increasingly popular in Turkey, with many dental clinics offering special packages for international patients. This can include everything from airport transfers to accommodation, making it easy and convenient to get the dental care you need.

Overall, tooth filling cost in Turkey can be a cost-effective and high-quality option for those in need of dental care. With experienced dentists, state-of-the-art equipment, and a thriving dental tourism industry, Turkey has become a top destination for dental tourism.

Factors Affecting the tooth filling cost in Turkey  

The cost of tooth fillings in Turkey can vary depending on a number of factors. Here are some factors that can affect the cost of tooth fillings in Turkey:

Type of Filling Material

The type of filling material used can affect the cost of the procedure. For example, gold fillings are generally more expensive than composite or amalgam fillings.

Extent of Tooth Damage

The extent of tooth damage can also impact the cost of tooth fillings in Turkey. If the decay or damage is extensive, a more complex procedure may be required, which can increase the cost.

Location of the Dental Clinic

The location of the dental clinic can also affect the tooth filling cost in Turkey. Dental clinics in major cities may be more expensive than those in smaller towns or rural areas.

Dentist’s Expertise and Reputation

The expertise and reputation of the dentist performing the procedure can also impact the cost of tooth fillings in Turkey. A highly experienced and reputable dentist may charge more for their services than a less experienced dentist.

It’s important to note that the cost of tooth fillings in Turkey can still be significantly lower than in many other countries, even when taking inti consideration these variables. By choosing a reputable dental clinic and discussing the options with your dentist, you can find a tooth filling solution that fits your needs and budget.

Comparing Tooth Filling Costs: Turkey vs. Other Countries

Tooth filling costs can vary significantly between countries due to cost of living, dental fees, and healthcare systems. Here’s a comparison of tooth filling costs in Turkey versus other countries:

Turkey is known for offering competitive prices for dental treatments, including tooth fillings, compared to many Western countries. The cost of tooth fillings in Turkey can range from $30 to $150, depending on the filling material used, the extent of tooth damage, the location of the dental clinic, and the dentist’s expertise and reputation.

United States: The cost of tooth fillings in the United States can range from $100 to $300, depending on the abovementioned factors. However, the price can be much higher in some cases, especially for gold fillings.

United Kingdom: The cost of tooth fillings in the United Kingdom can range from £40 to £300, depending on the abovementioned factors. However, private dental care in the UK can be expensive, and tooth fillings can vary depending on the filling material used.

The cost of tooth fillings in Turkey is low, but it’s essential to consider that cost should not be the sole determining factor when choosing dental treatment. The quality of care, the qualifications of the dentist, and the materials used are also crucial considerations. However, choosing a reputable dental clinic and discussing the options with your dentist is essential to ensure that you receive high-quality and safe dental care.

Tips for Choosing a Dental Clinic in Turkey  

If you’re considering getting dental care in Turkey, it’s important to choose a reputable dental clinic to guarantee that you receive professional dental care. Here are some tips for choosing a dental clinic in Turkey:

  • Do your research and look for dental clinics in Turkey that have a good reputation. Check the website of the clinic, and see online reviews to get an idea of their services, expertise, and customer satisfaction.
  • Look for dental clinics in Turkey that have highly trained and experienced dentists who are licensed and certified to practice dentistry. Check if the dental clinic is accredited by reputable organizations, such as the Turkish Dental Association.
  • Look for dental clinics in Turkey that use state-of-the-art technologies and facilities, which can ensure a better and safer experience for patients.
  • Choose a dental clinic in Turkey that can communicate effectively in your language, whether that’s English or another language. Communication is important in ensuring that you understand the treatment and that your dental needs are addressed.
  • Consider the cost of the dental services, but don’t make it the only factor in your decision. Choose a dental clinic in Turkey that offers transparent pricing and explains their fees and services in detail.
  • Ask for referrals from family, friends, or colleagues who have had dental care in Turkey. Referrals can give you a better idea of the quality at a dental clinic.


To conclude, tooth filling cost in Turkey can be a cost-effective option for those who need dental care. The cost of tooth fillings in Turkey can vary depending on the type of filling material used, the extent of tooth damage, the location of the dental clinic, and the dentist’s expertise and reputation.  

However, even with these variables, the cost of tooth fillings in Turkey can be significantly lower than in many other countries, including the US and the UK. Additionally, dental clinics in Turkey often use advanced technologies and facilities, and employ highly trained and experienced dentists, making it a popular destination for dental tourism.

Book your appointment today at Mavidenta clinic and get your smile back to its best!  Contact Our Clinic


Is the tooth filling procedure painful?

It is generally not painful, as the dentist will use a local anesthetic to numb the area around the affected tooth.

How long does a tooth filling last?

Tooth fillings can last from 5 to 15 years, but with proper care, they can last much longer.

Can I eat after getting a tooth filling?

It is generally recommended to wait until the anesthesia wears off completely.

Are tooth-colored fillings better than silver amalgam fillings?

Tooth-colored fillings are often preferred over silver amalgam fillings because they are more aesthetically pleasing and can be matched to the color of the surrounding teeth.

Does dental insurance cover the cost of tooth fillings in Turkey?

It depends on the specific dental insurance plan. It’s important to check with your insurance provider to determine what is covered under your plan.

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