Light Smoking after Dental Implant

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Light smoking after dental implant is a bad habit that negatively affects the health of every organ of the body, as well as the mouth, and sometimes leads to the loss of one or more teeth or the occurrence of severe gum infections on an ongoing basis.

If you are considering an implant for one of your missing teeth, your dentist will first need to evaluate the condition of your mouth and find out how regularly you smoke.

Be prepared to quit smoking for at least four weeks after the procedure. Keep reading to explore the impact of smoking on dental implants. 

Understanding Dental Implants

Before we learn about the harms of light smoking after dental implant, here is the concept of dental implants. In most cases where patients suffer from a lack of teeth or rotten teeth, dental implants are the appropriate and necessary solution. This process contributes to the integration of slots into the jawbone.

This provides stable support for artificial teeth because this type of dentures and bridges installed on implants will not slip or shift in your mouth, and it is beneficial when eating and speaking.

It is also convenient, safe, and better than dentures and superficial bridges. It is made of pure titanium and is very small in size. It fits into the bone below the gum to act like regular tooth roots.

There are also two common types of dental implants:

1- Onlay implants are surgically implanted directly into the jawbone. 

Once the surrounding gum tissue has healed, a second surgery is required to attach a post to the original implant. Finally, the artificial tooth or teeth are bonded to the other individually or grouped onto a bridge or denture.

2- Sub Osseous implants have a metal frame attached to the jawbone below the gum tissue. 

The fasteners, attached to the frame, protrude through the gum. As with endothelial implants, the prosthetic teeth are then attached.

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Effects of Smoking on Dental Implants

Light smoking after dental implant

Mavidenta doctors always advise their patients to stop light smoking after dental implant because it has a negative effect on the mouth. Dental implants and smoking are two things that are incompatible with each other.

Because smoking causes swelling of the gums and loose teeth, and may lead to tooth sensitivity and bleeding when brushing the teeth.

There are main reasons why Mavidenta doctors advise their patients to stop smoking after dental implants, and they are as follows:

1-Slow healing of wounds

light smoking after dental implant.

 affects wound healing. Nicotine weakens blood flow in the mouth and causes constriction of blood vessels, which affects the wound healing process after implants are placed.

2-Getting an infection

Smokers have a weakened immune system and it is possible for bacteria to enter the wound when the implant is placed and they may develop an infection.

Smokers are also more susceptible to oral diseases such as inflammation of the gums and periodontal tissues.

3-Slow integration of implants into the jaw bone

Normally, the healing process begins a few days after dental implant surgery. After the procedure, connective tissue begins to form around the implant to allow the jaw bones to accommodate the new implant.


They are solid, white spots resembling warts located on the surface layer of the skin. This condition results when inhaling cigarette smoke, as the smoke burns the soft tissues of the mouth.

5-Dry mouth

light smoking after dental implant affects the functions of the salivary glands, making the mouth constantly dry and encouraging the growth of bacteria that leads to dry mouth.

6-Gum disease

light smoking after dental implant leads to inflammation of the gums, so the gums are always red and inflamed. If these infections turn into severe infections, it leads to the loss of teeth and bones. 

It also leads to bleeding in the gums, bad breath after implantation, gaps between the teeth, pus coming out of the gums, and tooth loss. in the end.

7-Dissolving blood clots

After a dental implant procedure, a blood clot forms at the implant site, which helps prevent food and bacteria from entering it. 

However, light smoking after dental implant causes this clot to quickly dissolve, and may cause a painful condition known as dry socket (in English, Alveolar osteitis).

8-Weak immune system

Cigarettes weaken the immune system and slow wound healing, which may cause the implant site to become infected and lead to failure of the dental implant procedure.

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Light Smoking vs. Heavy Smoking

There is no safe level for the number of cigarettes that a person smokes per day, and it is not true that some people believe that smoking one cigarette per day is harmless to health. 

Instead, the results of medical studies indicate significant health harm to this. It can be neglected, and continuing to smoke one cigarette a day increases the risk of early death.

In the current year, the JAMA Internal Medicine issue was issued by the American Medical Association, and researchers from the US National Cancer Foundation presented… The National Cancer Institute presented the results of their review to evaluate the health effects of “light smoking after a dental implant.”.

Which is medically defined as smoking ten or fewer cigarettes at all hours of the day. 

In-Depth Analysis: Long-Term Smoking Habits Tracked

In their study, the researchers included more than 290,000 smokers aged between 59 and 82.

Their smoking habits were examined during nine different stages of their lives, specifically from the time they were 15 years old until they reached the age of 70 years.

Compared with other people who had never smoked, the researchers found that people whose average number of cigarettes they smoked during the day was less than one cigarette, meaning they were not regular in their daily smoking habit.

But smoked intermittently throughout their lives, had a 64% increased risk of early death. Percent and people who smoke between one and ten cigarettes per day have an increased risk of premature death by 87 percent.

Guidelines for light smoking after dental implant

Implant placement is not impossible for smokers, but studies show that 15% of smokers have to replace their dental implants after implant placement. Since smokers also need to have their missing teeth replaced, here are some tips to increase the chances of dental implant success in these people.

Quit smoking as soon as possible

The most important thing in implant placement is to quit smoking. Quit smoking as soon as possible to help maintain better oral health and overall health of your body and modify your smile design in the best possible way.

Do not smoke from one week before surgery to one week after surgery

Some people say that they cannot quit smoking forever, and these people are advised not to smoke for at least a week before surgery to a week after surgery. Since smoking is a daily habit, quitting smoking is a difficult task, but you should try to think about the outcome and implement your decision.

Reduce the smoking rate by half

If you can’t even quit smoking for a few weeks, make sure to keep your consumption to a minimum. Try cutting the number of cigarettes you smoke daily in half to significantly increase the success rate of implant placement. 

Smokers should see their dentist regularly for dental implants so that if they have cavities, infections or gum problems, they can be treated quickly and implant placement will not be an issue.

If, despite your best efforts, you are not successful in quitting smoking before implant placement, follow the following recommendations to avoid dry cavities:

  • Use a nicotine patch.
  • Ask your dentist to suture the wound stage.
  • When smoking, place sterile gauze over the surgical area.
  • Avoid chewing tobacco and nicotine gum.
  • If you can replace smoking with another habit.

Alternative Options

Factors that affect the success and continuity of dental implants include light smoking after dental implant and teeth grinding. Teeth grinding is considered a risk factor due to pressure on the dental implant during bone integration. Continuous movement of the implant may lead to its loss.

In this case, the doctor recommends extending the healing period without mechanical pressure, adjusting the obstruction, and wearing a protective layer while sleeping.

When can you smoke after dental implants? It is recommended that this habit be stopped a week before and up to two months after the implant is placed.

Do not worry if you have one of the contraindications to dental implants mentioned above; the specialized dental team at your doctor’s center can find a solution to achieve maximum success and maintain the desired result. 

The doctor will evaluate your health condition and find the best and most appropriate treatment for you. 

Will my implant fail if I smoke?

Will my implant fail if I smoke?

Implantologists usually recommend avoiding light smoking after dental implant as much as possible. People who cannot really quit smoking for a long time, two weeks before the implant and 2 to 3 months after, should leave it until the implant base fully fuses with the jawbone.

You should abstain from smoking for up to two weeks after a bone graft because smoking increases the risks of bone grafting and sinus lift surgery failure.

Another thing you need to know about the effect of smoking on dental implants is that a few days after the procedure, your body forms blood clots to prevent food and bacteria from entering the operation site. 

By inhaling smoke, saliva, spitting, and sucking fluids from a lollipop can loosen blood clots, which can be very painful, so don’t do these things for 72 hours after the procedure.

The dental implants procedure for smokers is difficult in the following aspects:

1-Monitor oral health: 

Smokers usually do not maintain good oral hygiene. These people suffer from a variety of gum and tooth diseases and have a higher risk of developing peri-implant gingivitis.

Many oral health professionals believe that smoking destroys oral tissue and increases the thickness of the top layer of skin cells. 

In addition, light smoking after dental implant harms the salivary glands of the teeth and leads to their dryness. In this case, the mouth’s saliva dries up, which can kill bacteria. The bacteria grows faster and the person develops gum disease.

2-Weak immune system: 

Nicotine and toxic compounds in cigarettes affect the peripheral arteries inside the mouth, reducing blood flow and weakening the body’s immune system and its ability to heal wounds. light smoking after dental implant   affects oral health in two ways:

  • It burns the tissue inside the mouth and causes keratinization, so the upper layer of skin cells thickens.
  • It harms the salivary glands and causes dry mouth.

In addition to the above, nicotine and other byproducts of cigarettes have a negative effect on peripheral blood vessels in the mouth and skin and reduce blood flow. With decreased blood flow, blood flow to other levels does not work properly.

3-Jawbone Analysis: 

Most dentists avoid implants for smokers because they do not have enough gum and bone to support the implant base. Although bone grafting can increase the strength of the gums and help bone growth, the recovery process after surgery in smokers is very slow. 

light smoking after dental implant causes insufficient bone growth in the area where it is transplanted and hinders the healing process. In this case, the implant specialist cannot implant the implant base into the person’s jawbone.

After implant placement in smokers, even if the implants fuse well with the jawbone, there is still a risk of bone resorption, spread of infection and gingivitis to the jawbone, and the implant falling out soon afterwards. 

The most important complication of implant placement for a smoker is failure of wounds to heal after surgery and a complication called dry socket, so smoking poses a serious threat to the implant.

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In conclusion, light smoking after dental implant is no different from heavy smoking, as both of them have a strong impact on the patient, especially after dental implants. Therefore, doctors always recommend avoiding smoking or at least quitting smoking some time before dental implants are performed.

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How long after dental implant can I smoke?

As with any surgery you will need to follow your doctor’s advice before and after your transplant to ensure its success.

Mavidenta doctors advise their patients to stop light smoking after dental implant for two weeks before the procedure, and at least four weeks after the dental implant surgery to ensure that the new implant site fuses with the jaw bone to ensure the best possible osseointegration results.

Has anyone smoked after dental implant?

If you are a smoker who cannot stop smoking, we do not advise you to undergo this operation. light smoking after dental implant increases the chance of a successful implant failure, and this is clearly visible in the upper jaw area.

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