How Long After Dental Implants Can I Get Crowns?

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One of the most frequently asked questions after dental implants is: How long after dental implants can I get crowns? The dental crown is one of the oldest forms of dental treatment, and the doctor resorts to prosthetic additions to preserve the patient’s teeth after fracture or decay. Crowns ensure that the tooth continues to function to the fullest without being affected by any damage.

Resorting to dental crowns is a successful method that is both cosmetic and therapeutic. Below, we will learn in detail how long it takes for dental implants to get crowns.

Healing Phase After Implant Placement

You may have wondered a lot about how long after dental implants can get crowns. But first, the patient should fully recover from the procedure before installing the crown, as dental implants are the best way to permanently replace missing teeth through surgery.

So, you have to take care of dental implants like natural teeth to maintain their aesthetics and function. 

After placing the implant, you will be given a guide after dental implants to keep the implants in good condition. The implants are not alive, but if the surrounding gums and bones are not preserved, they will become infected, leading to the failure of the implant treatment.

Dental implants do not have an absorption system, so if you chew hard, the implant can be placed under too much pressure.

 It is necessary to choose the best type of implant, the best doctor to implant it, and follow the post-implant instructions.

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Integration of Implants and Osseointegration

How Long After Dental Implants Can I Get Crowns

It may take some time to undergo a dental implant, approximately three to six months for the implant to fuse with the bone and fuse with it. Then the last two steps are completed within one week to ten days, and then you move on to the crown installation stage.

Sufficient time must be given for healing at each step of the implant process. If the dentist considers that the patient must perform the bone grafting process before performing the implant, it may take a longer time.

If you are thinking of How long after dental implants can i get crowns? do not hesitate to book your appointment at Mavidenta Dental Center and get the right advice from the specialist doctor.

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Consultation for Crown Placement

As for How long after dental implants can i get crowns? The doctor takes an idea of the shape of the surrounding teeth, to make a crown commensurate with the shapes of the existing teeth during the recovery period during the previous two stages.

If the tooth that the patient will implant is one of the front teeth, the doctor will match the color of the crown as much as possible with the color of the natural teeth, to give him a smile in which the color consistency appears uniformly. Then the crown is attached to the abutment to complete the implantation procedure.

How long after dental implants can I get crowns?

To answer the following questions: How long after dental implants can I get crowns? 

Healing Time: Usually, after the teeth are extracted, it is necessary to wait until the gums heal with the jaw bone, which may take at least six weeks. Then, the roots can be planted. 

Crown Stages: After that, a base is added to support the dental crowns, and then the crowns are added in a row. The treatment stages take at least six months to complete.

But in some cases, if it is necessary to extract the teeth in an area where the beauty of the teeth is evident due to an accident or any other reason, especially the front teeth, or the survival of the milk teeth in children during their growth period without the emergence of alternative teeth that replace those milk teeth, which makes them loosen and fall out. Or it should be taken off over time.

Immediate Temporary Crowns: In the meantime, and for these cases, the doctor can implant the artificial roots directly with the addition of temporary crowns or temporary dressings for approximately 6 to 8 weeks.

Permanent Crowns: After that, permanent and fixed crowns can be made without leaving the teeth in case of fracture.

Factors Affecting the Timeline

If you are wondering about How long after dental implants can i get crowns? it is worth noting that the time it takes to install a dental crown varies from one patient to another, and there are factors that affect the time process, which we mention below:

  • Ophthalmic implants with the jawbone, it is worth noting that the crown cannot be installed before the osteotomy is over.
  • The patient’s age: There is no doubt that the patient’s age plays a general role in the speed of response and recovery.
  • The patient’s care in teeth, following the doctor’s instructions, and visiting the doctor periodically for dental examinations.

Temporary vs. Permanent Crowns

After we got to know How long after dental implants can i get crowns? here’s the difference between temporary and permanent crowns

A temporary tooth crown is intended to provide only temporary protection for the tooth structure, until the completion of the measurement process and the installation of the permanent building. 

Temporary crowns are well resistant against entry of pollutants, food residue, etc. into the affected tooth area, so it is preferable to place them in order to facilitate topical treatment in the area. 

A temporary crown is made of materials that cannot last long, so it must be replaced with a permanent crown, made of more durable materials, within a short period up to several months.

In addition, the removal of the temporary crown is very easy (its adhesiveness is not fixed), so as not to cause much discomfort to the person being treated between one treatment and another.

Full Mouth Extraction and Dental Implants

Steps to Getting Your Crowns

After getting to know How long after dental implants can i get crowns? here are the steps for installing the crown, where Preparing for dental crowns usually requires going to the dentist twice. 

As the first visit includes examining and preparing the tooth, and the second visit to permanently place the crown of the tooth, and the following explain the steps in detail:

1-First visit

During the first visit, the doctor examines the tooth that needs veneering and prepares it, by taking x-ray pictures of the teeth and the adjacent bones. 

The doctor may also have to treat the root canal before performing the veneer in the event of tooth decay, an injury to the pulp of the tooth, or the presence of a risk For infection, the following is what the doctor may do during this visit:

  • Tooth anesthesia: The doctor may resort to local anesthesia while preparing the tooth for dressing. Especially in the case of a root canal; This is because the dressing tools are very close to the gum tissue, as anesthesia helps reduce pain in the tooth and the surrounding area.
  • Tooth formation: The affected tooth is reshaped along the chewing surface and sides. To make room for the tooth crown to be placed, the amount removed depends on the type of crown used. Whenever a large area of the tooth is lost due to damage or decay, the dentist uses the tooth as a filling material to build the tooth and support the crown.
  • Taking a tooth measurement: The doctor takes a mold for the teeth that will be covered, using a special toothpaste made of silicone, by placing it in the mouth to form the mold, and it also forms a mold for the corresponding teeth as well; So that the dental technician can make a suitable crown, while seeing how the teeth bite and fit.
  • Making a temporary crown: Making temporary crowns is very important. This is because the doctor may remove a large part of the structure of the tooth prepared for the crown, and the importance of the temporary crown lies in its work as a barrier that keeps the temporary tooth in place, and it also protects the existing teeth.

2-Second visit

The second visit to the dentist aims to fix the tooth crown in place once it has been manufactured. We will mention in the steps the procedures carried out by the dentist:

  • Dental anesthesia.
  • Removing the temporary crown, and cleaning the remnants of the temporary coating on the teeth.
  • Fixing the new tooth crown in place, after making sure that it fits well and looks good.

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Caring for Your Crowns

A dental crown is one of the methods used; To cover the damaged tooth, restore its shape, size, strength, and improve its appearance.

Let’s learn about the most important steps for caring for dental crowns and How long after dental implants can i get crowns? through our following lines.

1-Permanent dental crown care:

First: Get rid of and stay away from habits that are harmful to the tooth, such as:

  • Chew ice.
  • Bite your nails.
  •  Use your teeth to open packages.

Second: Treat teeth grinding if you suffer from it. The dentist can make you a night guard to put in your mouth to protect the crown and remaining teeth from this problem.

Third: Treat it as a temporary crown during the first 24-48 hours of its installation, and avoid sticky foods and hard foods that cause pressure on it. We will mention to you ways to maintain temporary crowns in this article, so read on.

Fourth: Use the brush and thread in the correct and regular ways. To maintain healthy teeth, you must brush at least twice a day and floss once a day.

Fifth: Follow up with the dentist regularly and follow his directions. You should also go to him for advice as soon as you feel a small fracture, displacement, or anything unusual in the composite crown.

2-Care of a temporary dental crown

These methods differ when the crowns are temporary, meaning that the doctor has installed a crown on the tooth temporarily until he finishes the permanent crown. Care measures in this case include:

  • Avoid foods that are sticky or require long chewing, such as: gum or caramel. These foods can attach to the crown and pull or move it out of place.
  • Minimize the use of this side of your mouth, you can make the main chewing process on the other side to avoid any damage.
  • Avoid eating hard foods, such as: raw vegetables or popcorn, as these foods may cause a temporary crown fracture.
  • Move the dental floss back and forth rather than pulling it off or pulling it up when cleaning between your teeth to avoid pulling the temporary crown off.

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Benefits of Timely Crown Placement

How Long After Dental Implants Can I Get Crowns

In addition to How long after dental implants can i get crowns?there are many features of temporary and permanent dental crowns, such as:

1-Attractive appearance: 

  • Dental crowns help repair damage that distorts the appearance of the teeth, and thus they provide an attractive, ideal, and flawless appearance that is more comfortable for the patient.
  • In addition to the fact that they appear in a similar appearance and may be completely identical to the appearance of natural teeth. 
  • The credit for this is due to the development of cosmetic dental techniques and the increased experience of medical personnel. and dealing with these cases.

2-Support and protection: 

Dental crowns help protect weak and chipped teeth from decay and breakage. They also help support and stabilize cracked teeth.

3-Fracture repair: 

Dental crowns are useful in restoring broken, eroded or severely worn teeth as a result of some medical conditions or as a result of a specific accident.

4-Fixing bridges: 

Artificial crowns contribute to cases of installing dental bridges, as a dental crown is used to help install the dental bridge in place.

5-Cosmetic coverage: 

Dental crowns are used to cover teeth that are missing, incompletely developed, or severely disfigured as a result of smoking, for example, or calcium deficiency. They are also of great benefit in covering implanted teeth.

What to Expect During Crown Placement

There are some facts that you should know before searching for How long after dental implants can i get crowns? such as:

  • The crowns act as a support for the implanted teeth, as well as to preserve them.
  • Not only does a crown strengthen the tooth, but it can also significantly improve the tooth’s appearance, shape, and dental profile.
  • Temporary crowns are a good option to help with a patient’s current problem before a permanent crown is made and installed in place.
  • When installing a temporary crown, you should note the following, that this particular type of crown makes the teeth more sensitive.

Ensuring Longevity of Crowns

Although crowns are a long-term solution to restoring damaged teeth, they don’t last forever. Some materials are more durable than others; Gold, for example, will not chip or corrode the way porcelain does.

Your dentist may tell you to expect your crowns to last 5 to 15 years, but many last much longer than that. A 2013 study evaluated 2,340 gold porcelain fused-to-metal crowns and found that 97% had lasted more than 10 years while 85% were still going strong after 25 years.

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Common Myths About Dental Implants and Crowns

If you are searching for How long after dental implants can i get crowns? You may encounter the following problems:


If you still experience crown pain, especially when biting, you should contact your dentist so that he can fix it.

2-Loose crown

The ceramic that secures your crown to the tooth may wear away, causing your crown to become loose. 

3-The crown tooth hurts after years

What if you feel pain years after you get the crown? This may be a sign of infection or nerve shock. It is important to contact your dentist.

4-Throbbing pain in teeth after crown

This could be a sign of a loose crown, more damage to the tooth, or an infection. You should contact your dentist.

5-Crown fall

If your crown falls out, you should contact your dentist for an appointment, keep the crown secure, and not chew on the exposed tooth in the meantime.

6-The broken crown

It is expected that the dental crown will break. In either case, contact your dentist if you have a cracked crown.

Lifestyle Tips for Oral Health

One of the main signs that you are taking good care of your dental implants is that your gums are pink and clear red, as this condition indicates that there is no infection in the gums or in the jawbone.

And that the dental implant has been successfully placed in the gums, and the following are ways to help you practice good health A good oral cavity and caring for your implants:

1-Brush your teeth twice a day

  • In order to How long after dental implants can i get crowns? It is important to clean your mouth after eating anything, especially if you have eaten sweets, sour or acidic foods. 
  • Rinse your mouth and brush your teeth as often as possible.
  • You can use a regular or electric toothbrush to clean implants and teeth, as both are a good option, but electric brushes often clean tooth surfaces better and take less time, and brushing between the teeth can help remove food residue from the spaces between the teeth.

2-Don’t forget to use dental floss

  • Brushing alone is not enough to take care of dental implants and preserve them, so dental flosses must be used, and although most people do not use dental flosses and are afraid of using them.
  • Using dental flosses is the best way to get rid of food residues between the teeth and prevent the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria in The mouth, and as a result, the use of dental floss can prevent necrosis or perforation. 
  • Ask your doctor to guide you on the best type of toothbrushes, floss and toothpastes for your dental implants so that you can secure the best care for them.

3-Watery toothpick

  • A water pickler is a device that cleans between the teeth by pressurizing a jet of water, and can be effective in reducing bacterial plaque and inflammation. 
  • Look for a water pick with a non-metallic tip and use it twice daily. You can use a non-alcoholic rinse in the device instead of water.


  • Stimulators can stimulate healthy gum tissue and are important in maintaining dental implants. 
  • The best stimulators are those that have a rubber head that gently massages the gums.

Financial Considerations

Metal crowns may be cheaper. While private dental insurance may cover some or all of the costs you incur at various stages in the process, this treatment is often only covered after a waiting period – usually between three months and one year after private insurance starts. 

If you are choosing to get caps for cosmetic reasons, check if this is included in your insurance policy.

Read more about dental plans in Turkey, including How long after dental implants can i get crowns? Keep in mind that you may have to pay for a root canal (an empty space between teeth) treatment in addition to your crown.

How Much Does a Full Set Of Dental Implants Cost In Turkey


At the end of the text, dental crowns are a magical solution to maintaining the health of your teeth and protecting dental implants. In addition to that, there are multiple options between a temporary crown and a permanent crown. You can also talk to your doctor to determine How long after dental implants can i get crowns?

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Is crown necessary after implant?

Of course, the crown works to preserve the implanted tooth and protect it from damage or damage.

How long does it take to get dental implants from start to finish?

This varies according to the patient’s condition, and it is expected to take between 3:6 months.

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