Why are Dental Implants so Cheap in Turkey?

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Dental implants can drain your wallet, especially in countries like the US and UK. This hefty price tag has fueled dental tourism, with Turkey being a top destination for affordable implants. But why are they so cheap there? This blog delves into the reasons behind Turkey’s surprisingly low implant costs, exploring factors like currency exchange, government support, and operational efficiency. We’ll answer the question: why are dental implants so cheap in Turkey? Join us as we explore the secrets behind Turkey’s affordable dental revolution!

The Cost of Dental Implants

Speaking of why are dental implants so cheap in Turkey, the dental implant process includes several stages, each stage is associated with a specific fee and together represents the final cost of the dental implant procedure. Let’s take a look at these steps:

1-Jaw bone grafting

During the patient’s first appointment at the dental clinic, the doctor performs a CT or 3D scan to examine the structure of his jaw bones and determine their density. If the patient does not have enough bone in his jaw, bone grafting must first be performed before implants are placed. 

Bone implant surgery increases the size and density of bone in the thin bone areas of the patient’s jaw to contribute to enhancing the success of dental implants. 

The cost of jawbone grafting is usually not included in the final cost of dental implants, meaning the patient must bear its costs.

2-Tooth extraction

The patient does not have to wait until he loses his entire tooth to undergo a dental implant procedure. One of his teeth may be severely damaged and will need to be extracted to protect his gums and overall oral health. 

Tooth extraction is usually performed in different types of ways, the most common of which are simple tooth extraction or surgical tooth extraction. According to the simple tooth removal procedure, the dentist smoothly extracts the tooth under local anesthesia in one piece. 

Surgical tooth extraction involves making a surgical incision in the gum to remove the damaged tooth and is usually performed under general anesthesia. The cost of tooth extraction is a side cost added to the final cost of dental implants.

3-Installation of dental implants

During the medical consultation, the doctor discusses with the patient the available options for dental implants and helps him choose implants that suit his jaw and the nature of his teeth. 

It is also necessary to choose the brand of implant that ensures the durability and stability of the implants for the longest possible period. There are many dental implant manufacturers that offer multiple types of dental implants at different prices. 

The higher the quality of the implants the patient chooses, the higher the cost of dental implants. At Mavidenta Clinic we use a German brand of dental implants known as (Biotec). 

Biotech is one of the best brands in the dental implant industry. The company manufactures dental implants using high-quality materials, precise methods, and practical design and provides them at competitive prices.

4-The stage of installing dental crowns

Various materials are used in the manufacture of dental crowns, such as porcelain, zirconia, metal, and composite resin. The cosmetic dentist usually helps the patient choose the type that suits him perfectly by taking into account several factors.

The most important of these are the location of the tooth and its function, the position of the gum tissue, the color of the surrounding teeth, and the extent of damage and damage to the teeth. 

Certainly, the choice of the type of crown that the patient chooses plays a major role in the difference in the cost of the dental crown and thus the cost of the entire dental implant.

Factors contributing to affordable dental implants in Turkey

Factors Contributing To Affordable Dental Implants In Turkey

In addition, why are dental implants so cheap in Turkey? The cost of dental implants varies depending on a wide range of factors, the most important of which are:

  • Skill, certificates, and number of years of experience of the doctor performing dental implant surgery.
  • The quality of implant materials, and the difference in materials used for implants: There is a large group of companies that manufacture dental implants. There are Egyptian and Korean implants and German and American implants. Prices vary greatly between them.
  • Patient’s health condition: Some patients need some procedures until the transplant is completed, such as bone grafting or a septum lift, which affects the total cost.
  • Number of dental implants: The price varies with the number of implants the patient needs.
  • The anesthesia used during surgery, whether it is general or local anesthesia.
  • The number of visits a patient needs for dental implants.
  • Some cases suffer from receding gums, which may require a procedure to increase their thickness, which also affects the cost.
  • Different types of installation that are installed over the implant: Zirconium is the best type that gives a natural appearance to the teeth.
  • The location of the clinic or center. The cost is often higher in famous centers located in the capital compared to centers in the governorates.

Best Dentist In Turkey For Implants

Quality Assurance and Accreditation

When it comes to why are dental implants so cheap in Turkey, there are many other factors that attract tourists to dental implants in Turkey, and among these factors are the following:

1-Low cost price

One of the main benefits of dental clinics in Türkiye is their low prices. Compared to other countries such as the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, dental treatments in Turkey are remarkably affordable. 

For example, the procedure to obtain a dental implant may cost thousands of dollars in the United States for a fraction of the cost in Turkey. 

This means that tourists coming to Turkey to take care of their teeth can save a lot of money while also enjoying a fun vacation in a beautiful country.

2-High quality treatments

Despite low prices compared to other countries, dental clinics in Turkey are known for their high-quality levels of care. The country has invested heavily in modern dental technology, and many Turkish dental clinics now have the latest facilities, equipment, and technology. 

Additionally, Turkish dental specialists undergo extensive training and are required to meet all stringent licensing requirements, ensuring that patients receive quality care. 

3-Skilled doctors

Dentists in Türkiye are some of the most skilled specialists in the world. Many dentists in Turkey were educated in Europe or the United States and brought this knowledge and experience back to their homeland. 

In addition, dentists in Turkey often speak multiple languages, making it easier for international patients to communicate with them and thus feel comfortable during their treatment.

4-A wide range of therapeutic services

Dental clinics in Turkey offer a wide range of services, from routine cleanings and fillings to more complex procedures such as dental implants, dental surgery, and cosmetic surgery. 

This means that patients can receive all the types of dental treatments they need in one place, without having to travel to multiple clinics for different treatments.

5-Tourist attractions

In addition to why are dental implants so cheap in Turkey, Turkey has a lot to offer its tourists in terms of picturesque tourist attractions. From the bustling streets of Istanbul to the ruins of ancient Ephesus, everyone will have the best time in Turkey. 

Dental tourists can combine getting their teeth treated with an enjoyable vacation, benefiting from the thriving culture and history and of course enjoying the country’s natural beauty.

Dental Tourism in Turkey

Speaking of why are dental implants so cheap in Turkey? Medical tourism in Turkey is one of the most important pillars on which Turkey depends to increase the number of tourists annually. 

The presence of sources upon which medical tourism in Turkey is based, whether natural, such as natural springs, or as a result of medical attention, such as specialized centers, was a contributing factor in increasing the rate of tourism to levels that were not expected.

Aside from the millions of tourists who visit Turkey annually, there are similar millions coming for hospitalization or treatment, tourism, and visiting tourist places at the same time.

Turkey has been able to withstand the global competition in the field of medical tourism. Many tourist countries around the world are doing their best to provide places of healing and recovery to attract tourists from all over the world. 

This has enabled Turkey to preserve its natural resources, in addition to developing new ones, until it was able to attract more tourists, medical tourism in Turkey has many advantages, including the following:

  • The presence of well-maintained springs and healing springs.
  • The presence of medical centers competing with the largest international centers.
  • Medical centers are equipped to perform all surgical operations.
  • There are a very large number of medical centers specializing in cosmetics.
  • There are many tourism companies that organize medical tourism trips in Türkiye.
  • The cost of the trip itself is not exaggerated compared to medical tourism in Europe.
  • The cost of surgical and cosmetic surgeries is cheap with excellent results.

Dental Tourism in Istanbul Turkey | Quality Care and Savings

Why are dental implants so cheap in Turkey?

Dental implants in Turkey are significantly cheaper than in many Western countries due to a confluence of factors:

  1. Turkey’s lower cost of living and weaker currency compared to the US dollar, Euro, or Pound Sterling translates to lower overall treatment costs.
  2. The Turkish government actively encourages medical tourism, leading to competitive pricing among clinics.
  3. Operational efficiencies within dental practices in Turkey can contribute to lower overhead costs compared to some other countries.

However, it’s crucial to remember that price shouldn’t be the sole factor. Thorough research into a clinic’s qualifications and patient experiences is vital to ensure high-quality care alongside affordability.

Choosing a Dental Clinic in Turkey

Choosing A Dental Clinic In Turkey

When it comes to why are dental implants so cheap in Turkey and choosing the best center for dental implants, there are some steps you must follow:


When choosing a dental clinic in Türkiye, it is important to conduct in-depth research. Look for clinics that have positive reviews and testimonials from previous patients. 

Check the qualifications and experience of the dentists working in that clinic, and make sure they have a license to practice the profession in Turkey.


Ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have tried treatment in Turkey, or even ask your dentist. 

They may have experience with dental clinics in Turkey or know someone who can recommend a suitable clinic. This can help you find a reputable dental clinic that meets all your needs and aspirations.


When choosing a dental clinic in Turkey, take into consideration many factors such as location, availability of amenities, ease of movement, and transportation. 

Make sure that the clinic is located in a safe and comfortable area, and that it has all the necessary amenities, such as comfortable waiting rooms and clean facilities.

Additionally, consider transportation options, such as airport transfers or car rentals; To make your trip as easy, enjoyable, and fatigue-free as possible.

Read more: Dental Implant Cleaning Cost

Financial Considerations

There are usually two things standing between a patient and a new smile with dental implants in Turkey. One is financial investment, and the other is fear of the unknown. Mavidenta Dental Center is interested in removing the fear of having dental implants in Turkey

We start by:

1- Provide as much information as possible to our potential patients through our online presence, free consultations, and our staff and experts who have extensive experience in this field.

2- Every patient considering dental implants in Turkey should feel a sense of welcome and confidence that is not characteristic of most healthcare facilities where the first step is to remove all discomfort and anxiety. 

3- The first visit is a comprehensive dental examination, including x-rays and impressions that create stone models of your teeth.

4- The doctor will design a customized treatment plan that is ideal for the dental implant procedure in Turkey and usually has at least one alternative. 

This plan will be provided to the patient in a written document during this visit or at the patient’s convenience at another date. A staff member will explain the plan in detail and answer all questions.

Risks and Challenges

In addition, why are dental implants so cheap in Turkey? Dental implant surgery has many side effects that may outweigh its benefits, including the following:

1-It takes a long time

Dental implant surgery cannot be performed in just one appointment, as it takes a certain time for the jawbone to become engrossed with the implanted tooth. During this time, the doctor places a temporary tooth over the area.

The waiting period poses harm to the patient, as the operation takes from 3 to 6 months, and sometimes 9 months.

2-The necessity of meeting certain conditions

Dental implants require a certain size and density of bone, which increases the difficulty of the procedure, as many patients are not suitable, so patients need additional bone enlargement.

3-Some complications occur

Dental implant surgery is a surgical procedure that may be accompanied by some complications, such as:

  • Infection and inflammation.
  • Bleeding.
  • Delayed bone healing.
  • Jaw fractures.
  • Damage to other teeth.
  • Nerve injury.
  • The rate of complications and risks for dental implants is approximately 5-10%.
  • Some factors, such as smoking and poor oral and dental hygiene, increase the risk of complications.

4-High cost to the patient

One of the most prominent harms of dental implants to the patient is the high cost, as the dental implant option is the most expensive among other options.

5-The need to replace restorations

Although dental implants last a lifetime, they require continuous restoration operations, especially for those who have not taken care of them, which are also expensive.

6-Possible bone loss after transplantation

Although dental implants maintain bone mass in the jaw, bone loss around the implants is common, and this is one of the most prominent harms of dental implants.

This occurs due to natural bone loss over time, and implants may need to be replaced if the patient loses a lot of bone.

7-Healing takes a long time

Dental implants take a long time to heal, with the healing process taking from 3 to 18 months.

8-Causing discomfort and pain during the procedure

The patient needs local anesthesia during the procedure due to the pain accompanying the procedure.


At the end of the text, many people wonder why are dental implants so cheap in Turkey, and perhaps the reason for this is that Turkey has many medical tourism destinations that distinguish it from other countries, in addition to the availability of many dentists with great experience and high skill in the field of dental implants in particular.

For any inquiries, feel free to Contact Our Clinic.


Is it worth going to Turkey for dental implants?

Of course yes, as Turkey has some of the best dentists in the world.

Why is Turkey popular for dental implants?

This is due to the great fame and success rates of dental implant operations that have become famous in recent times.

What can go wrong with Turkey teeth?

Some complications may occur during the dental implant procedure, which includes infection and other minor symptoms.

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