Explore The Long Term Side Effects of Dental Implants

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Dental implants are considered one of the procedures that improve the quality of life. Anyone who has lost teeth and wears dentures may have noticed many of the shortcomings of full and partial dentures, as well as those who have had their missing teeth replaced with permanent bridges attached to natural teeth.

 You may not have as many functional issues as dentures, but in the long run, these bridges have problems or fail due to decay, breakage, and damage to the gums. Therefore, our article will discuss the long term side effects of dental implants.

Long term side effects of dental implants:

All surgeries are usually accompanied by long-term side effects of dental implants, and transplants are no exception. Complications of natural dental implants may appear in the first few days after surgery or if there are no necessary examinations before implantation. Temporary and normal side effects that some people may experience in the first few days after the transplant include:

  • Pain after implantation.
  • Swelling of the gums and face.
  • The possibility of slight bleeding due to wounds.
  • Feeling fever and chills after the transplant.
  • Allergy to the drug.
  • Bruising in the surgical area.
  • The need to replace the crown in case of damage or yellowing.

All of these side effects are transient and normal and can be controlled with some simple solutions. In cases where swelling, fever, chills or pain caused by the implant cannot be removed with the help of analgesics or ice compresses, you should definitely visit a dental implant specialist.

Usually, when the transplant is performed by non-specialists, the patient suffers from serious and abnormal long-term side effects of dental implants, and these effects are:

  • Nerve injuries such as numbness of the corner of the lips, gums and natural teeth.
  • Causing problems with dental pockets.
  • Infections of implanted teeth.
  • Allergy to the implant base, which is rare.
  • Fracture of implant restorations due to tooth grinding (crown falling out).
  • Fracture of the implant body.
  • Tooth decay.

If any of the above complications occur, it is best to consult a dental implant specialist first before taking any action. If you have not had any dental implants yet, you can visit Mavidenta Clinic to get all the dental services of the highest possible quality.

Read more:  How long does dental implants last?

Are You Suitable for Dental Implant Placement?

long term side effects of dental implants

When it comes to long term side effects of dental implants A suitable applicant for dental implants must have the necessary conditions and requirements for implantation in this way. If the ground is not available from the beginning for the dental implant applicant, the dentist himself will provide it through various treatments and methods.

  • Enjoy good general health.
  • Enjoying healthy gums without infections.
  • The presence of sufficient bone to maintain the implant base in the gums.
  • Not suffering from autoimmune diseases.
  • Commitment to following the dentist’s orders and recommendations.

All of the above conditions are necessary for a dental implant applicant, and the probability of success in treating tooth loss in these people is higher than 98%.

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Caring for Your Dental Implants

In addition to long term side effects of dental implants, It is worth knowing that after dental implant treatment, you will feel pain, which will go away within one to two days, and at this time the swelling will also go away. These days, you should also follow some tips that include:

Eat soft, healthy food

  • People who have had dental implants often wonder what they can eat. It is best to stay away from hot or spicy foods for the first 48 hours after surgery because they can make you bleed or hurt the operation site. After that, you should only eat light things. 
  • In the days after surgery, you should focus on eating foods that do not require a lot of chewing because moving your tongue can irritate the area where surgery was performed. As the wound heals, you can start eating smaller amounts gradually, but make sure you follow your dentist’s advice on eating.
  • It is necessary to eat soft and tender foods. But it’s also important to eat healthy foods. Giving your body the right foods after dental implants helps it heal more quickly and reduces the risk of problems after surgery. The most effective way to eat soft, nutrient-packed foods.
  • Is to steam broccoli and other vegetables. Protein shakes and smoothies are another way to ensure you get enough calories on a short soft foods diet. But do not use a lollipop because the pressure can damage the surgical site. Use a better spoon.

Use salt water to rinse your mouth

After oral surgery, you should rinse your mouth with salt water. Not only do salt water rinses reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth without irritating the wound, but you will also feel comfortable. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to 8 ounces of lukewarm water to make a salt water rinse. 

Once the salt dissolves, you can put the mixture in your mouth and swish it around for 30 seconds before spitting it out. Depending on what your dentist tells you, you can rinse with salt water approximately four times daily.

stop smoking

Smoking is harmful to your oral health and overall health, even if you do not undergo oral surgery. But smoking after getting oral implants can make it harder for you to get better. First, tobacco reduces the flow of oxygen to the bones and oral tissues. If your body doesn’t get enough air, recovery will take longer. 

Tobacco and nicotine have also been shown to have a negative effect on osseointegration. This means that smokers are more likely to have their implants fail than those who do not smoke. For these reasons, it is best to stop or avoid smoking.

Take your medicine and take care of your teeth and gums

Analgesics are the most effective and direct way to relieve pain and soreness after surgery. Some people can control their pain with over-the-counter medications. 

Some people may feel better when taking the medication their doctor prescribed on the first or second day. Both are good and safe as long as the medication is taken as recommended by their physician.

Although dental implants in Turkey do not look like natural teeth, they must be cleaned appropriately. Your oral care routine may change slightly during the different stages of healing, but following your dentist’s advice to keep your mouth clean and sensible is essential. This will make you less likely to develop disease near the surgical site.

Use a soft brush

There is a possibility that you will need a new toothbrush after your dental implant procedure. This is because the bristles on a nylon toothbrush are soft and will not hurt your oral dental implants. Additionally, you can use Proxabrush to clean inaccessible areas of dental implants.

Avoid using toothbrushes with hard bristles as they may damage the surface of your implants. Once the implants are inserted, you should not use any metal instrument to clean your mouth. Just keep brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day.

Stay hydrated

It is always important to drink enough water, but it is essential after a dental implant procedure. If you don’t drink enough water, your body won’t be able to get rid of toxins that can slow down the healing process. Getting enough water also helps you feel comfortable and maintain your energy.

In addition to drinking plenty of water, you should stay away from caffeine and wine as both can make you lose water from your body. Alcohol can also slow the healing process.

So you should not drink for at least two weeks after surgery and preferably until you finally feel better. Just as you shouldn’t use a straw to drink smoothies or protein shakes, you shouldn’t use one to drink water either.

Avoid doing physical activities

Rest is one of the most beneficial things you can do to help heal your body. While recovering from dental implant surgery.

If you start to feel tired or exhausted, this is your body’s way of telling you to calm down, so it’s essential to pay attention. If you try to do too much, it will slow down the healing process.

This is especially essential in the days immediately after surgery, but you shouldn’t do too much once you start feeling better. Even when you start to feel better, it’s best to avoid activities that are hard on your body or increase your chance of getting hit in the face.

Read more: How Much Does a Full Set Of Dental Implants Cost In Turkey?

Unexpected side effects from dental implants

While finding a qualified and experienced dental implant dentist you can trust and feel comfortable with is complex, the success or failure of dental implants also depends on the patient. By working together, you can help reduce potential dental implant risks.

Despite the pessimistic outlook you may get after reading about the long-term side effects of dental implants, dental implants are still the most successful and least problematic way to replace your natural teeth. Some possible side effects may occur after surgery. These are some common side effects:

  • Pain and swelling: Severe pain may occur after dental implants, and swelling in the area surrounding the mouth and face after surgery may also occur. Analgesic medications may be used to relieve pain and swelling.
  • Gingivitis: Inflammation of the gums surrounding where the tooth was implanted may occur. An antiseptic mouthwash can aid healing and relieve inflammation.
  • Bleeding: Minor bleeding may occur after surgery. To control bleeding, apply pressure to the affected area with a clean cloth. If the bleeding continues for a long time or is heavy, consult a doctor.
  • Change in sensitivity: After surgery, the implanted tooth may become more sensitive to heat and cold, but this effect may fade over time.
  • Discomfort while eating: The patient may feel pain in the first days after surgery. Complex and very soft foods can be avoided first, and smooth and mashed foods can be eaten. 

Most of these side effects are temporary and disappear over time. If symptoms persist or worsen, the patient should consult the treating physician. It is worth noting that the dental implant procedure is considered a successful operation in most cases, and there is no dental implant pain during the operation.

The reported occurrence of severe pain after dental implants and the reasons above are uncommon and can be avoided by choosing a distinguished dental center with a professional medical team.

This is what you will find inside the Mavidenta Dental Center, which adheres to all professional standards regarding sterilization and disinfection. It also uses the latest technological techniques used in dental implants. If you are about to undergo a dental implant procedure. contact us

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Delayed Bone Healing

Long Term Side Effects of Dental Implants

Speaking about long term side effects of dental implants. For the implant to be successful, it needs bone to grow around it on all sides. If the bone is deficient in length or width, steps must be taken to ensure the bone will actually grow against the implant. 

If you have been missing a tooth for a long time, you have likely lost some bone volume in that area. We can increase bone volume with different techniques. In some cases, it must be done as a separate, initial step, and in other cases it may be done at the same time as the implant is placed.

Your dentist must be skilled at being able to grow bone with a bone graft or manipulate the site in such a way that bone fills in at that site. If there is a lack of bone volume and dental implants are placed without correcting these deficiencies, the implant will likely fail. ask our doctors.

Implant Failure

When the human body considers the base of the implant to be a foreign body, it shows an allergic reaction to it. Implant rejection is usually associated with symptoms such as fever, chills, long-term pain and swelling, difficulty chewing food, and gum infections.

Failure of dental implants for various reasons and it occurs in two periods: One after 2 weeks (early fracture) and the other after a year (late fracture).

The most important conditions that lead to failure of dental implants are:

  • Choose a low-friendly brand.
  • Lack of sufficient information about the patient’s medical history.
  • Dental implants in an inappropriate place.
  • Insufficient density of the jaw bone.
  • Damage to nerve fibers during transplantation.
  • Loosening of the implant screw.
  • Not checking whether there is an allergy to the implant materials.
  • Implant infections.
  • Lack of care for oral and dental health.
  • Not paying attention to the surgeon’s recommendations.

Note: The most important step to experience a successful treatment to replace missing teeth is to undergo the implant procedure with the best dental implant doctor.


Before any dental implant procedure or any other method, first make sure that the doctor you have chosen has sufficient skill and specialization. Then in order to trust the services of the best dental implant specialist, you can ask him for more work samples or even benefit from the experiences of previous patients who have been treated. To avoid long term side effects of dental implants. contact us

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