Dental Implant Problems Years Later: Common Issues and Solutions

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Dental implants include several stages, so they take a long time. The patient may experience some changes after dental implants, known as dental implant problems years later, which are failure of bone fusion with the implants, sinusitis, nerve damage, infection, and impact of the teeth adjacent to the implants. Also, dental implants are not the most appropriate option in many cases.

Therefore, we will learn about dental implant problems years later and how Mavidenta doctors work to solve these problems so that patients can enjoy dental implants without complications.

Understanding Dental Implants

The implant acts as a solid base to stabilize the new tooth, and then the abutment is placed on it. Finally, it is covered with a crown (an artificial tooth) that replaces the missing tooth. The screws are usually made of titanium, where an incision is made in the gum. 

A bone grafting procedure may be necessary if there is insufficient bone or if the jawbone is weak due to an injury that would lead to the loss of the original teeth.

Once the hole is drilled in the jaw, the titanium implant is inserted into the bone, and the incision is sutured. Then, the area is left to heal. During the healing process, the denture can be worn over the crack for a day or two until the pain subsides. In addition, any mistake made by the doctor in the stages of dental implants is likely to expose him to dental implant problems years later.

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Common dental implant problems years later

Dental implants are not the best option for all people alike, so the decision whether or not to have dental implants is made after consultation between the dentist and the patient. Moreover dental implant problems years later include:

  • The high cost of dental implants; Insurance companies typically do not cover the amounts required for transplantation. 
  • Bleeding, swelling and pain after the transplant procedure. 
  • Possibility of corrosion of dental implants, as dental implants may sometimes erode even if oral hygiene is maintained.
  • Complications associated with anesthesia include dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
  • The health and density of the jaw bones is required for dental implants, due to the importance of the jaw bone in supporting dental implants.
  • Dental implants require a long period of time, up to months, and therefore require a greater level of commitment from patients, and they are not the most appropriate procedure if the patient is looking for immediate solutions.
  • Among dental implant problems years later, dental implants may require additional procedures, such as bone grafting and a sinus lift, which require higher costs and longer recovery time.
  • Dental implants are not the best option for patients with uncontrolled diabetes, cancer patients, patients receiving cancer treatments, smokers, or patients who previously had gum disease.

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Peri-Implantitis: Implant Inflammation

Dental Implant Problems years later

In contrast to dental implant problems years later, gingivitis around dental implants occurs in two main stages:

  • Peri-implant mucositis (inflammation of the mucosa around the implant) is an infection that affects the tissues around the implant and does not reach the level of decreased jaw bone density, and must be treated immediately to avoid complications or loss of dental implants.
  • Peri-implantitis, which is the second stage of gingivitis around implants, is more severe, causing a decrease in bone density in the affected area of the jaw, and must be treated immediately to avoid losing the implants.

Implant Fracture or Breakage

Among the dental implant problems years later is that the patient may suffer a fracture in the tooth or the implant that was supported, and to avoid the occurrence of such two problems, please choose a good center to perform dental implants such as Mavidenta, in addition to that, make sure of the doctor’s experience.

Loose or Mobile Implants

The position of the implants as the doctor attaches them to the bone is very important for their stability. Movement of the implants as a result of eating solid food, rinsing the mouth, or making violent movements in the mouth may lead to dental implant problems years later.

You will notice loosening of the implant teeth in this case before the implant screws begin to fall out. Make sure to protect the implants from movement and avoid any actions or habits that could cause movement in the implanted teeth, including chewing hard food, sudden movements in the mouth, various injuries, and tongue movements towards the implanted teeth.

Gum Recession and Exposed Implant Threads

Gum recession is the process of retraction of the edges of the gum tissue surrounding the tooth so that a larger part of the tooth or the root of the tooth appears, and the receding of the gums leads to dental implant problems years later, such as the formation of spaces between the tooth and the gums, which makes it easy for bacteria to collect in these spaces, which leads to infections.

If the gum recession is not treated, the tissues surrounding the tooth, in addition to the bone, will be severely damaged, and this may lead to tooth loss. 

Gum receding occurs gradually, and the patient suffers from tooth sensitivity, and the patient may notice that the tooth appears too long. If there are symptoms of receding gums, he should visit the doctor and get the appropriate treatment.

Implant-Supported Prosthesis Issues

It is worth noting that the success rate of dental implant surgery is very high, especially if this operation is performed by a doctor and a highly qualified dental center, where you can seek help from Mavidenta in this matter.

In contrast, the failure of the operation or implants exposes the patient to dental implant problems years later, some of which may be serious and require surgical intervention, while others can be treated.

Causes of Late-Stage Dental Implant Problems

Dental implant surgery can be an immediate success, as complications do not develop until years later. Here are some dental implant problems years later:

1-Nerve or tissue damage:

It may occur when a surgeon places an implant too close to a nerve. Symptoms of dental implant failure include numbness or tingling in the tongue, lips, gums, or face.

Foreign body rejection does not happen often, but it can happen. This is when the body rejects the transplant. Signs of rejection include increased pain at the transplant site, swelling, fever, and chills.

2-Dental implants placed in the upper jaw may protrude into the sinus cavity

Infection in the area surrounding the dental implant may loosen the implant, leading to failure.

To reduce the possibility of dental implant problems years later, continue to practice good hygiene and maintain good oral and gum health. Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day, and rinse your mouth with mouthwash.

3-Smoking and Poor Oral Hygiene

Smoking is not prohibited immediately after dental implant treatment. But it is important to reduce the amount of smoking while taking care of the patient’s oral and dental hygiene. 

If a person smokes more than one pack of cigarettes per day and does not care about dental health, the success of dental implant treatment is very low in these people.

We evaluate smokers in the risk group, and explain the current risks to our patients who smoke before dental treatment. Dental implants, we give different recommendations and warnings. After we make our patients decide consciously about dental implant problems years later, we move on to applying the procedure.

Bone Loss and Osseointegration Issues

The most important dental implant problems years later facing dental implants is the lack of sufficient bone tissue to support and stabilize the mares. 

The teeth may be damaged in many people as a result of smoking, severe inflammation, or bone and other chronic diseases. When the bones are weakened to an advanced degree, it is possible that the implants cannot fuse with the jawbone when installed due to insufficient bones for that, which leads to the failure of dental implants.

The best solution in this case is to perform a bone reconstruction and restoration process before dental implants, or by placing a brace or using another method to replace the teeth Like dentures.

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Incorrect Implant Placement

When fixing the tooth in the wrong position, it will cause it to be difficult to maintain and will disturb the patient and he will not be able to clean it easily, and the error in the position of the implant is a defect in the applicability of the teeth and the jaw movements so it’s among the dental implant problems years later.

As the incorrect position of the implanted tooth interferes with the process of appropriation of the correct teeth, when the patient bites something The axis of the natural tooth bears the pressure resulting from the bite.

Therefore, when implanting teeth, the implanted tooth must be fixed at the same angle as the natural tooth was in order for the axis of the implanted tooth to bear the pressure of biting. 

In the event of an error in the positioning of the tooth, the pressure resulting from the bite affects the other elements of the implanted tooth and causes loosening of the tooth or its root, which ends in dental implant problems years later.

Unresolved Early Complications

Early dental problems or dental implant problems years later occur within the first three to four months of the operation. Keep in mind that you will experience some degree of pain or discomfort after surgery, which you can treat with pain medication. 

Although pain and swelling are common after surgery, be aware that symptoms of dental implant problems years later or dental implant failure include:

1-Infection at the implantation site:

Infection can develop during or after surgery. Risk factors for infection include having an autoimmune disease, smoking, and poor oral hygiene.

2-Small movements of the implant:

Microimplant movements can occur when dental implants lack stability, sometimes after immediate tooth replacement.

Typically, an artificial tooth is attached to an implant only after the jawbone has properly fused with the implant. But sometimes, the surgeon replaces the teeth immediately after implantation.

This method requires fewer doctor visits, but it may also put more stress on the implant and lead to failure.

3-Insufficient bone support:

Early stage failure can also occur when there is not enough bone to support the dental implant, yet the surgeon completes the procedure anyway. Without enough bone, the implant cannot integrate with the jaw.

4-Allergic reaction:

You may have a reaction if you are allergic to titanium alloy, a metal in some dental implants. Such as: swelling, loss of taste, and perhaps a tingling sensation. Then you will need an implant that contains a different material.

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Solutions for Dental Implant Problems

Dental Implant Problems years later

The success of the dental implant depends largely on your effort to maintain your teeth after the operation. Here are the following post-implant instructions to take care of your teeth and to avoid dental implant problems years later:

  • The doctor prescribes painkillers, such as: paracetamol, in case you feel pain after dental implants.
  • The doctor may prescribe an antibiotic after the operation, depending on your condition, and in this case it is recommended to complete the full dose and not stop taking it without consulting the doctor.
  • It is recommended to use a special toothbrush with a small, pointed head similar to the toothbrush used to clean metal braces, in order to clean artificial teeth well to avoid problems in the healing process that may occur due to food collecting between the teeth, or gingivitis.
  • It is recommended to modify the nature of your diet for several weeks after dental implant surgery, so that it consists of soft foods, such as: pasta and soups, to ensure complete healing of the site of the operation.
  • You should avoid eating hard foods, such as: ice and candy, even after complete recovery so as not to cause any harm to your artificial and natural teeth alike.
  • It is recommended to stop smoking, as smoking slows down the healing process. In addition, smoking increases the incidence of negative complications after dental implants, and may cause the process to fail completely.
  • The dental implant process often requires a period of 3 to 4 months from the beginning until complete recovery. During this period, the doctor will schedule a number of visits to the dental clinic to verify that there are no dental implant problems years later with the teeth, jawbone, or gums.

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Professional Assessment and Treatment

Success rates for dental implants vary, depending on where the jaw is placed in the implants, but in general, the success rate of dental implants is up to 98%. 

Implant Repair or Replacement

There are many ways to restore teeth, and the treatments used and the quality of restoration depend on the type of injury and the severity of the tooth damage, and it may be sufficient to do a regular cleaning of the teeth.

Or set an appointment to install fillings, or take measurements to design dentures or restore broken teeth, and the following shows how to restore teeth and overcome dental implant problems years later:

1-Placement of fillings:

The most common type of dental restoration, where the spaces within the teeth are filled with gold or silver to prevent further tooth erosion and preserve the tooth, or tooth-colored plastic fillings are used.

2-Crowns installation:

A dental crown, or what is known as a dental crown, is a cover that is placed over the affected tooth and has the same size and shape as the tooth. It is usually used when the tooth crown has been damaged, or when we want to restore the front tooth to improve its appearance and enhance its strength.

3-Dental bridge placement:

It is characterized by multiple shapes and types. It is installed on a specific part of the teeth to fill gaps resulting from tooth loss, as it helps them regain their shape and size, increases the chance of repairing teeth in the long term, and is also used to restore front teeth in children.

4-Installation of implants (dental implants or dental implants):

A process during which small posts made of metal, porcelain, or titanium are installed inside the bone cavity in cases that require dental implants, and then covered later with a crown. This method is used to replace missing teeth and restore broken teeth.


They are a replacement for missing and wearable (movable) teeth. When a tooth loss occurs as a result of gingivitis and its diseases, or severe decay, it is the turn of these dentures that replace natural teeth, as they can be installed directly.

Grafting and Regenerative Procedures

Jawbone grafting is one of the procedures used before dental implantation in cases where the patient’s jawbone is not prepared for implantation due to either melting or atrophy due to certain diseases.

Or, extraction of the tooth and waiting for long periods before deciding to fill the space with an implant is one of the dental implant problems years later.

The best types of bone used are those based on the patient’s bone, but other sources are considered safe without any significant problems or complications.

Manufactured or animal sources are considered to be within international specifications and are subject to a group of practical studies that have proven their effectiveness and safety for human use. 

Bone grafting or implantation in the jaw is a procedure with high success rates approaching 98%. The bone grafting or bone transplantation process takes approximately six months.

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Preventing Dental Implant Problems

To avoid dental implant problems years later as well maintaining dental health is largely achievable by observing the following tips:

Brush regularly to keep teeth clean

Brushing your teeth daily is one of the most important tips for maintaining oral and dental hygiene. Brushing your teeth helps remove plaque and bacteria.

1-Make sure to brush your teeth twice a day without brushing too hard! 

Vigorous brushing can damage tooth enamel and gums. Consider using a soft-bristled toothbrush, don’t neglect your tongue because plaque builds up there too. 

2-Evaluate whether you need to use products containing fluoride to maintain proper dental hygiene

Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay, and a deficiency may lead to tooth decay. Fluoride primarily fights germs and provides a protective barrier for your teeth. Brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste helps promote your oral hygiene and maintain healthy teeth.

Check with your dentist about whether you will need to purchase a fluoride mouthwash, or explore other options depending on your dental concerns. 

3-Floss once a day to keep your teeth clean

Using floss is no less important than brushing your teeth as it removes food crumbs stuck between the teeth, stimulates the gums and reduces inflammation.

4-Use mouthwash to keep teeth clean

Mouthwash helps enhance dental hygiene by reducing the amount of acid in the mouth, remineralizing teeth, and cleaning places that cannot be reached by a toothbrush and dental floss. It complements brushing and flossing and contains effective ingredients to maintain oral hygiene.

Brushing only helps clean your teeth, which comprise about 25% of your mouth. You must care for your mouth and teeth, using a mouthwash that cleans your entire mouth, including the dental and non-dental surfaces. The mouthwash also fights germs around and under the gum line, giving you maximum oral care.

Watch what you eat to keep your teeth healthy.

Your diet contributes to your oral hygiene and helps you maintain healthy teeth. Ensure your diet is balanced with plenty of vegetables, fruits, starchy foods, and proteins, but limit your intake of foods high in fat and sugar.

Stay away from cigarettes or any colored food for dental hygiene.

Smoking also affects dental health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking causes gum disease as bacteria on the teeth get under the gums. If the germs remain on the teeth for a long time, smoking leads to higher levels of plaque and tartar.

Regular Dental Check-ups and Cleanings

Visiting the doctor regularly helps you overcome dental implant problems years later, as the doctor does the following:

  • See your dentist regularly to maintain dental health.
  • Do not miss regular check-ups at dentists to maintain oral hygiene and obtain a specialist opinion. 
  • The dentist is able to assess and diagnose any concerns that require early intervention before the condition becomes severe. 
  • Dentists can also remove any hardened plaque through a deep cleaning of the teeth.

Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene

To protect your oral health from dental implant problems years later, practice healthy oral hygiene habits every day, such as:

  • Clean your teeth with dental floss daily.
  • Use mouthwash to remove food residue left after brushing, paste, or floss.
  • Follow a healthy diet and limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three to four months or sooner if the bristles appear loose or frayed.
  • Schedule regular dental checkups and teeth cleaning sessions.
  • Avoid using all types of tobacco.
  • Also contact your dentist as soon as you develop any oral health problem. Please know that taking care of oral health helps maintain general health.

Avoiding Smoking and Tobacco Products

Smokers who need dental implants are at increased risk of dental implant problems years later. According to the Journal of the International Dental Association, between 6-20 percent of late dental implant failures are due to this reason.

So smoking is a risk factor for failed dental implants, but it can still be done. Your smoking history is something that is important for the dentist to inquire about before the operation.

And he will determine accordingly your chances of quitting smoking before the operation. For overall dental health, smokers should stop as dentists have recommended in many cases.


It is expected that you will be exposed to dental implant problems years later after a dental implant procedure, if you do not follow the healthy habits recommended by your doctor, or perhaps due to a medical error committed by the doctor during the operation, so we mentioned to you today the most prominent dental implant problems years later and how to overcome them.

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Can a dental implant fail after 10 years?

The life expectancy of dental implants may last for ten years in some types of implants, and may continue for the rest of the life in other types. As for the exposure to failure of dental implants, this is due to other reasons.

Why is my implant hurting after 2 years?

If you feel pain in the tooth that was implanted, please see a doctor immediately to avoid any complications.

Can an old dental implant get infected?

Infection generally occurs due to the accumulation of bacteria around the implanted tooth, so doctors always recommend taking care of oral hygiene to prevent any diseases from occurring.

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